Katrine Svensmark
From corsets to combat boots, women have been fighting for their rights for centuries... yet here we are, still grappling with the ongoing battle.
Part 2/2

Feminist Movement: 1960s to present day
Fighting for gender equality and justice
The feminist movement is a multifaceted and complex social, political, and cultural phenomenon that has evolved over time. At its core, feminism is a belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes, and the feminist movement seeks to achieve this equality through activism and advocacy.
The feminist movement has a rich history that spans more than a century. The first wave of feminism emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and it focused on securing legal and political rights for women, such as the right to vote and the right to own property. The second wave of feminism began in the 1960s and 1970s, and it focused on broader social and cultural issues, such as reproductive rights, workplace discrimination, and gender roles. A more radical and aggressive approach characterized this wave of feminism and helped spark a broader cultural shift tards gender equality.
Feminism’s third wave began in the 1990s and extended into the 21st century. It focused on issues such as intersectionality, body positivity, and the representation of women in media and popular culture.
Today, the feminist movement continues to evolve and adapt to new challenges and opportunities. Feminist activists and organizations are working to address issues such as the gender pay gap, sexual harassment and assault, and reproductive rights. They use social media and other digital platforms to connect with and mobilize supporters worldwide.
Me Too Movement: 2017 to present day
Empowering survivors and demanding accountability
The Me Too movement is a social movement that began in 2006 and gained widespread attention in 2017. The movement is focused on raising awareness about sexual harassment and assault, particularly in the workplace, and promoting the idea that survivors should not be blamed or shamed for their experiences. The Me Too movement was started by activist Tarana Burke in 2006, and it was initially focused on helping survivors of sexual violence, particularly women of color. Burke began the movement to help survivors feel less isolated and alone and provide them with resources and support.
The movement gained widespread attention in 2017 when actress Alyssa Milano used the hashtag #MeToo on social media to encourage survivors of sexual harassment and assault to share their stories. The hashtag quickly went viral, and millions began sharing their stories of sexual harassment and assault.
The Me Too movement has had a crucial impact on the way that society thinks about sexual harassment and assault. By giving survivors a platform to share their stories, the movement has helped break down the stigma and shame surrounding these experiences. The movement has also led to fundamentally transformative changes in many industries and workplaces. Many high-profile individuals have been accused of sexual harassment and assault, and some have faced legal consequences for their actions. The movement has also led to changes in laws and policies related to sexual harassment and assault. Many states and countries have passed laws that make it easier for survivors to come forward and seek justice. Many companies have implemented new policies and procedures to prevent sexual harassment and assault in the workplace.
While some have criticized the Me Too movement for being too focused on individual cases and not enough on systemic change, it has undoubtedly impacted how society thinks about assault and sexual harassment. By giving survivors a platform to share their stories and demand change, the Me Too movement has helped to create a more just and equitable society for all people.
It is important to note that the Me Too movement is not just about women. Men and people of all genders can be survivors of sexual harassment and assault. The movement is focused on creating a world in which all survivors are believed, supported, and given the resources they need to heal.
Women's Rights Movement: Ongoing
A history of progress and persistence
The Women's Rights Movement is a social movement that has been ongoing for centuries. The movement is focused on promoting gender equality and ending discrimination against women. The movement gained support in the 20th century as more women began to demand an end to gender discrimination. Women organized protests and campaigns and formed organizations to advocate for their rights.
The movement significantly impacted society, particularly in Europe and the United States. By promoting gender equality and raising awareness about the devastating effects of discrimination, and breaking down gender barriers, the movement helped to create a more fair and equitable society.
Today, the Women's Rights Movement continues to empower and inspire women around the world. While significant progress has been made, there is still work to be done to ensure that all women have access to equal rights and opportunities.
The importance of continued support for the Present-Day Women's Movements:
In conclusion, Present-Day Women's Movements are a vital and ongoing struggle for gender equality that has spanned generations and encompassed a range of issues, including suffrage, education, healthcare, workplace, labor, feminism, and Me Too movements. While these movements have achieved remarkable gains in society, considerable work remains to be done to overcome systemic barriers and discrimination that prevent women from achieving true equality. It is important to continue supporting these movements and advocating for change to create a reality, where everyone has the same opportunities and rights regardless of gender, race, or other characteristics.
Chronological order of certain movements:
1. Women's Suffrage in New Zealand in 1893 made it the first country to grant women the right to vote.
2. The founding of the Women's Social and Political Union in the United Kingdom in 1903, a militant suffrage organization that helped secure voting rights for women in the U.K.
3. The International Women's Conference in 1910 was held in Copenhagen and helped establish International Women's Day.
4. The establishment of the National Council of Women of Canada in 1893 was a non-partisan organization that aimed to improve the status of women and promote their rights.
5. The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom is an international organization. It was founded to promote peace and disarmament, as well as to advocate for women's rights in 1915.
6. The publication of "The Second Sex" by Simone de Beauvoir in 1949 is a feminist classic that challenged traditional gender roles and helped to inspire the Women's Rights Movement.
7. The United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, is a global settlement that aims to eliminate all types of discrimination against women, which was signed in 1979.
8. The founding of Women's Liberation Movement in Australia in the 1960s and 1970s was a feminist movement that aimed to challenge gender inequality and promote women's rights.
9. The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action is a global policy framework that was established at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995. Its objective is to promote gender equality and empower women worldwide.
10. U.N. Women is a U.N. organization that was established in 2010 to promote gender equality and empower women worldwide.
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History.com Editors. (2009, October 29). Women’s Suffrage. HISTORY; A&E Television Networks. https://www.history.com/topics/womens-history/the-fight-for-womens-suffrage
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New Zealand History. (2000). World suffrage timeline - Women and the vote | NZHistory, New Zealand history online. Govt.nz. https://nzhistory.govt.nz/politics/womens-suffrage/world-suffrage-timeline
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Wikipedia Contributors. (2019, February 20). Women’s liberation movement. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_liberation_movement